Sunday, July 6, 2008


Hi and welcome to my blog! This will be a place for me to rant, rave, cry, and pray for as long as I need to do those things. Now that you've been made aware of all that- let's jump right in.

I would say right now I am critically depressed clinging only to my daughter and God to get me thru this time in my life. I look back on my marriage thru the years and wonder how the HECK this happened. How does anyone go from unconditionally loving you to only wanting to be your spouse when its convenient for them. My heart is hanging on by a tee-niney little vein and I am always praying to God that he shield that little vein, to strengthen it and make it hold up to this abrasive world. But at the same time for me to make a difference in this world I have to put myself out there. To be willing to break my heart completely and TRUST in God's plan.

Guys, please pray for me to be the person God wants me to be. That if it's His will to shield my heart that it be done, or if my heart needs to be completely broken that that be done. Whatever his will for me is---just pray that it be done and to make His guidance like a lighthouse so bright that I CAN'T NOT see it. Thanks!